
We’re excited to announce that Casa’s Executive Director, Jennifer Long, will be on a panel about Immigration at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary’s third annual Hesed Lectures on April 2nd, 2016.


What are this year’s Hesed Lectures about?

“The purpose of the HESED lectureship is to promote awareness and church involvement in the area of social justice, thus enabling ‘hesed,’ which is Hebrew for justice, loving kindness, and mercy.

Recently, social tensions have heightened around issues of race, class, and religion in the US. At the Texas-Mexico border, Latino/a immigration and homeland security questions have given rise to social division while urban areas wrestle with the America’s age-old question of the matter of black lives. Which lives matter? This year, Hesed explores these social problems in light of religious convictions, most importantly hesed: the divine call to mercy and loving-kindness.”

This lecture series is brought to you by The Hispanic Student Association and The African American Student Group of Austin Seminary.

The immigration workshop is on Saturday April 2nd at 9:20 am.
The workshop will be co-lead by Ms. Cristina Parker, Immigration Programs Director at Grassroots Leadership.

The program is put together by the students and is open to the seminary community as well as the wider Austin community.

We’re very excited for this event!

Click HERE to learn more about Austin Seminary’s Hesed Lectures.