Yearly Archives: 2016

Bruno’s Drumming Workshop

We had a blast at the recent percussion workshop given during ESL class by Bruno Vinezof. The purpose was for Bruno to share his culture by bringing music and dance to the residents of Casa Marianella, generic providing a fun way for residents to release the stress of the day and begin to learn a [...]

By |2017-02-03T13:13:17-06:00April 12th, 2016|Events|0 Comments

Clay Imports Throws Fundraiser for Casa April 9th

We're very excited for Clay Import's fundraiser event for Casa on April 9th! It will be a night filled with poetry, music, dance, and amazing memories. We hope you will join us there. We caught up with our friends at Clay Imports to learn about what motivated them to support Casa's mission. How did you hear about [...]

By |2017-02-03T13:13:18-06:00April 4th, 2016|Events|0 Comments

Casa Director to be on Immigration Panel at Austin Seminary

We're excited to announce that Casa's Executive Director, Jennifer Long, will be on a panel about Immigration at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary's third annual Hesed Lectures on April 2nd, 2016. What are this year's Hesed Lectures about? "The purpose of the HESED lectureship is to promote awareness and church involvement in the area of social justice, thus enabling [...]

By |2017-02-03T13:13:18-06:00March 21st, 2016|Events|0 Comments

The Changing Demographics of Casa Marianella

Casa Marianella’s fundamental mission is to offer hospitality to refugees fleeing violence and war. During the organization’s 30-year history, ambulance it has seen the population it serves change dramatically, but its vision has remained the same. Indeed, despite historical changes (and perhaps sadly), the need for Casa Marianella is just as great today as it [...]

By |2017-02-03T13:13:18-06:00March 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Casa Bands Together to Shelter Somali Family

An Excerpt from a Night in February by Erin Edmonds Context: At Casa Marianella’s Adult Shelter, we operate on a 24-hour clock. Staff is asked to pull a night shift once a week. As of late, we’ve been operating on overflow. Maximum capacity: 38. Housing Reality: 52. 52 residents. We’ve managed to wedge 14 extra [...]

By |2016-03-04T08:27:25-06:00March 3rd, 2016|Events|2 Comments

Volunteer Spotlight: Sofia

Ever since I arrived, Sofia has been volunteering mornings throughout the week. She did our laundry and cooked, but she also did much more. She took care of our residents who needed the most care, and she did so with a joking, motherly demeanor that charmed all of us. And I think all Casa staff [...]

By |2016-03-03T04:15:24-06:00March 2nd, 2016|Volunteer Spotlight|0 Comments

A Second Chance at Casa Marianella

photo credit: Erin Birney When Teo arrived at Casa Marianella two years ago, unhealthy his untreated diabetes had advanced so far that he was, see as one observer puts it, “more dead than alive.” Indeed, Teo has lost half of his leg, the functioning of his kidneys, and part of his vision to the disease. [...]

By |2017-02-03T13:13:18-06:00March 1st, 2016|Resident Stories|0 Comments

Casa receives $100,100 grant by Episcopal Health Foundation

We are so thrilled to announce that Casa Marianella is officially a grant partner of the Episcopal Health Foundation and has been awarded $100,100 to continue housing and supporting those in need. Casa applied for the grant in hopes that the Episcopal Health Foundation would recognize that all of the services Casa provides, from housing [...]

By |2017-02-03T13:13:18-06:00February 28th, 2016|Events|0 Comments

LBJ School’s Community Outreach Committee Supports Casa

The LBJ school recently gave Casa a much appreciated donation, and we spoke to them to learn more about their community efforts and how this idea came about! Tell us a little about the LBJ School's Community Outreach Committee The LBJ School's Community Outreach Committee is part of the Graduate Public Affairs Council and comprised [...]

By |2017-02-03T13:13:18-06:00February 24th, 2016|Events|0 Comments
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