casa marianella

We’re Hiring a Housing Advocate for our Family Shelter

Housing Advocate - Family Shelter We are looking for a full-time team member to support our newly arrived families in finding sustainable housing after their stay in our shelter. If you are interested, please email Stacey Eyman at with "Housing Advocate" in the subject line. Full Job Description Job Type: Full Time Our Mission: [...]

By |2024-11-04T10:54:49-06:00June 18th, 2023|In the News|0 Comments

Sea Prayer: a 360 story inspired by refugee Alan Kurdi

This week we are sharing a beautiful 360 story by the award-winning author, Khaled Hosseini. Khaled wrote Sea Prayer as a way to commemorate the anniversary of the passing of Alan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian child who drowned while attempting to cross the Mediterranean to safety in 2015. It has been 5 years since the [...]

By |2023-12-26T19:38:30-06:00August 1st, 2022|Videos|Comments Off on Sea Prayer: a 360 story inspired by refugee Alan Kurdi

Family Life at Casa

During a recent Casa shift, I found myself in the middle of an argument between two residents. They were speaking (well, one was yelling) in Spanish, and while I can get by conversationally, I wasn’t quite able to understand what was happening other than that it involved one person taking out another person’s laundry from [...]

By |2021-05-15T12:01:28-06:00May 15th, 2021|Resident Stories|2 Comments

Casa Marianella Series: Resident Stories by Lily Dayanim

Today, we’re sharing just a few incredible resident stories, as part of a longer series from our Case Manager, Lily Dayanim. Lily is a talented photographer and digital storyteller who took the time to interview Casa residents and hear about their often terrifying, challenging and inspiring journeys to the United States. Each story is unique, [...]

By |2021-05-31T07:46:37-06:00May 3rd, 2021|Resident Stories|3 Comments

Human Dignity

I turn onto Gunter street, enveloped by the stifling heat of Austin in August. I couldn’t tell you if I’m sweating from the heat or because I’m nervous for my first day serving at Casa Marianella. Despite my attempts to arrive with a completely open mind, I repeatedly ask myself, “Will I be able to [...]

By |2020-10-04T09:14:52-06:00October 4th, 2020|Uncategorized|3 Comments
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